This may seem pretty basic to a lot of you, but based on the large number of calls we get where the customers are confused as to whether they need a Roll “BAR” or a Roll ”CAGE” and what the differences are, we thought it would be a good idea to help you understand those differences and how they affect the pricing and time line when requesting a price quote and time line for shipping from us.
Many people call and ask, I have a “…”
how much would an 8pt cage cost
for it and when can it ship?
We talk about the 8pt cage for the next few minutes only to find out that they only want/need/should have asked about an 8pt Roll “BAR”. Problem is they didn’t realize there was a difference and the price and time line are usually very different from a Bar to a Cage.
Soooo, let’s get to it and I’ll do my best to help square you away right here.
Let’s get started at the very beginning, POINTS… as in 4 point, 6point, 8point, 10 point & 12 points. Points constitute the contact points that a Bar or Cage contact the floor, rocker or frame of a car, X bars on door openings don’t count as points because they join to other bars ie; A-Pillars, door diagonals and main hoops are not attached to the chassis of the car. Keep this in mind with any other bars (Harness bar, Roof diagonal etc…) that attach in the same way as it applies to those as well.

In general Roll “BARS” have a MAIN HOOP, the main bar or starting point of a Bar or Cage install located behind your head. It’s kind of shaped like a giant upside down U, that is your first 2 points.
A HARNESS BAR runs driver to passenger side behind your front seats and you would typically attach your safety harnesses shoulder straps to this bar. To be NHRA legal, this bar is required and can NOT be removable.
4pt Roll Bar
not recognized by NHRA would have two bars running into the back of the car to support the main hoop from just folding over. This will help with some chassis structure and roll over protection. It is your best option if using your car on the street with NO rear passengers.
6pt Roll Bar
is NHRA legal in a hard top car from 11.49 to 10.00 qtr mile times at the time of this writing and would add a driver and passenger side diagonal door bar to a 4pt bar.
8pt Roll Bar
Same as a 6pt with the addition of two (NHRA D bars) commonly called kickers by many. The addition of kickers to a roll BAR are not required by NHRA and don’t allow you to run any faster than a 6pt BAR. Kickers do add additional cage and chassis structure especially when attached to frame connectors or some type of undercarriage tubular structure in a unibody or full frame car.
Food for thought, Can you have a 10pt “BAR”? YES!! Is it legal to run sub 10.00? NO! How??? Well just add a rear X in addition to the standard two back bar layout of a bar. This adds two more points that contact the chassis of the car and an X adds a substantial amount of structure to your bar in both roll over protection as well as chassis flex.

Are NHRA legal/required from 9.99 to 8.50 and also required if running over 135mph to a max of 179mph before needing to get into a 25. _ something cert cage. These are qtr. mile numbers.
A Roll “CAGE” differs from a “BAR” in that it will include some form of overhead tubing structure that extends forward on both sides from the main hoop along roof line to the A-Pillars, across the roof and windshield line and down to the floor, inner rocker, or frame of your car.
Keep in mind when we’re speaking about a “CAGE” that the door bars on a cage run into the base of the A-Pillar bars and are not considered attachment “points”. The A-Pillar bars are now your forward points taking the place of door bars on a Roll ”BAR” as two points.
6pt Roll Cage
Is NHRA legal from 9.99 to 8.50 in a Full Perimeter frame car (example GM A & G Bodies) where the frame of a car runs around the perimeter of your car, next to your inner rockers and outside of your hip. A 6pt cage is a cage as described above without NHRA D bars also known as “kicker” bars.
8pt Roll Cage
This is the minimum required to meet sub 9.99 rules on all cars that are NOT perimeter frame cars. It is the same as a 6 pt cage with the addition of the two NHRA D/kicker bars that you will tie into your sub-frame connectors, inboard rails, or some other under carriage tubular structure depending on what car you have. This is the minimum cage required for Mustangs, F-Bodies, X-Bodies, Tri-5 cars and most other cars and trucks.
10pt Roll Cage
This is the same as the 8pt with the addition of a rear X bar setup in addition to the two usual back bars that come with your cage kit. All of our X’s on our kits require final fitting by the installer as not everyone wants to install their X in the same way. An X is an excellent way to add a large amount of chassis structure and roll over protection to any cars cage. Typically, only used in cars with no rear seats.
12pt Roll Cage
A 12pt is still just legal to 8.50, but comes with a pair of bars that extend forward through your firewall up to the front area of your cars frame, typically somewhere forward of your front tire and a little back from your radiator support. These add extra structure and are sometimes used for front engine plate mounting.
25.5, 25.3, 25.2 Roll Cages
Are all sub 8.50 or over 180mph (qtr. mile time) cages that are a whole other topic in themselves. If you are looking for info pertaining to a 25._anything cert cage we’d recommend checking out the SFI foundations web site, give them a holler and ordering the spec book that pertains to your needs.
This is just a very brief note to keep in mind when ordering a bar or cage kit, not the actual differences in the materials. DOM Mild Steel is a high grade more expensive type of mild steel and can be mig/wire feed welded. 4130 Chromoly MUST be tig/heli arc welded.
All parts sold by Wild Rides ®, are racing parts for off road use only, while wearing appropriate safety equipment (5pt safety harnesses, current DOT/Snell approved helmets etc…) at designated legal racing facilities only! “NOT FOR STREET USE”
Installation, even correct installation of a Roll Bar or Roll Cage, will not guarantee anyone’s safety in the event of an automobile rollover or any type of accident! Racing (like lots of fun things) can be/ is dangerous and can result in injury or even death. Roll Bar and Roll Cage equipped cars should never be occupied by anyone other than a properly harnessed and helmeted driver in conjunction with all NHRA legal padding installed as per NHRA’s requirements. Most of our Roll Bar & Roll Cage kits are sold with back bar options which allow retention of a rear seat; this is done to meet some racing class rules which require retention of a full interior including the rear seat and for visual aesthetics only. IT IS NOT TO BE USED FOR PASSENGERS EVER!!!!
We hope you’ve found this helpful, if you have any other questions feel free to give us a call at;
(732) 751-1113